One might perhaps think that while in the middle of the quagmires of violence that are Afghanistan and Iraq under the guise of "promoting democracy", the US government would at least pretend they actually mean what they say, and not Read more
Grafitti artist 'Banky' managed to sneak his works into several of New York's most famous museums, claiming he could do just as well as the artists exhibited: Wooster Collective on Banksy's stunt (with photos of the works).
I love ...
Finished writing the bulk of the text for my essay... Now I need to trim it down from 6000 words to the 4000 word limit. Somehow I think my 10.000-15.000 word dissertation next year is going to be rather straightforward. I hate having to cut, but I hate writing with the ...
Here in the UK we're off Friday and Monday thanks to Easter, so it means I have all of today and tomorrow to finish my essay on the Semantic Web (it's due by midnight Saturday). Hopefully I'll wrap it up tonight. I'd have finished it last weekend if it wasn't for ...
Lilina news aggregator is a browser based RSS/Atom reader with a great, simple interface and which doesn't need a database.
Check out this Lilina based site for an example.
(via vrypan|net|log)
Yahoo! has just launched a Creative Commons search as beta, and over at the Yahoo Search Blog Larry Lessig has this to say on Searching Creative Commons.
There's also this blurb by Mike Linksvayer on the Creative Commons blog.
...Take a look at the interview - it's long, but cover Marcus' work on Hurd, thoughts on GNU, micro kernels, becoming a programmer and more. Interesting stuff.
I came across a link to this post (see in particular the response by Tom Duff) over at Brainwagon about using Duff's device (as if Duff's device isn't revolting enough to start with) to implement Coroutines in C.
Eughh.... ...
It just hit me that it's extremely annoying to manage bookmarks, and I REALLY want people to stick more metadata in their document headers, and for bookmark managers to extract it and annotate the bookmarks and let me use the data to search the stored bookmarks. It's one of those blindingly ...