Semantic web

Articles tagged 'semantic-web'

My Semantic Web reading for the weekend (and the next couple of months)

I just stumbled on
Dave Beckett's Resource Description Framework (RDF) Resource Guide. I wish I had known about this when I was writing my semantic web essay last month... An absolutely amazing list of resources.


The RDF data model and databases

I've been thinking about the RDF data model a lot lately. Including reading up on SPARQL. Initially I didn't like it. However after a while it struck me that the RDF model + SPARQL actually matches most of what I do with databases a lot more than the relational model ...

Semantic Web for Extending and Linking Formalisms

I came across this paper by chance while searching for material on Z notation and RDF. It's an interesting read on the use of RDF for expressing languages used for formal methods.

While reading it, something occured to me (I'm sure it's not an original idea, but I haven't ...

lowercase semantic web

Related to my previous post, I found Lucas Gonze's entry on the lowercase semantic web via Marc's voice. I'll definitively be following what Lucas' writes.

Lucas' expresses some of the issues I've had over micro formats in ...

Against Micro Formats for the Semantic Web

I just finished reading Danny Ayers's ramblings on MicroFormats, and while he comes out a bit conflicted, it in some ways helped me get a clear view of my own position on it:

MicroFormats using XHTML is to me what tables for layout was to older ...

Redland (RDF) backend for Movable Type

Kasei is working on a Redland bakend for Movable Type - article and screenshots here

This entry points to some of the promise of the semantic web: Harvesting data from the vast amount of semi-structured data stores already out there. Blogging software already collects data ...

Tag ontology design

Richard Newman has a writeup on his Tag ontology design including N3 notation for the draft ontology itself. The purpose is to create a generic way to associate tags with content with richer context than what is used for instance by Technorati.

One of the advantages ...

The Temporal content of Web pages

is an OWL ontology for describing temporal aspects of web pages or web-services.

One very useful aspect of it is that it's fairly readable and well documented, and comes with several example files - as such it's a great way of getting more familiar with OWL.


Threaded Description Language

Thread Description Language (TDL)

TDL is an RDF vocabulary for desribing threaded discussions, such as Usenet, weblogs, bulletin boards, and e-mail conversations.

So what could it be used for? One obvious thing would be to enable client software to access web ...