I was just passing by the stationary cupboard, and purely by chance I noticed a bunch of bottles of tipex, and thought to myself "wow, are anybody actually still using that?"
I came to the conclusion that the last time I had used it must have been the last time I ...
Devon Strawn: Collective Type, Wikis, and Eigenmedia pointed me to Collective Type, a project to explore what happens if you let random people affect a font design. Each character in the final font will be composed of a combination of 255 images ...
... at runme.org, a fascinating collection of links to things like Perl poetry, and evil abuses of C (aka Duff's device).
A study by U Minn researchers claim that at least your predisposition to being religious is at least in part genetically determined.
Randall Parker over at Future Pundit comments on the study, saying amongst other:
"If any of the Minnesota researchers ...
Tantek Çelik and Kevin marks have a presentation titled Real world semantics covering micro formats and other building blocks of a "lo-tech" version of the semantic web focusing on an evolutionary, developer led approach rather than the committee approach.
Brian over at FutureWire has written a short article called Smart Companies Putting Their Customers to Work based on this article over at the Economist.
Harnessing advanced customers is ...
Danny Ayers have another great article on RDF, using Amazon's OpenSearch Description Document. He briefly ties it in to FOAF and DOAP (a RDF schema describing a vocabulary for describing an open source project).
Our the years I've been involved in the design and planning phases of a long range of projects, and I've always been very outspoken because I tend to have a lot of opinions about both strategic issues and technical issues surrounding the projects I get involved with.
However, it took a ...
Netcraft has this report Netcraft: Honeynet: At Least 1 Million Machines in use as Botnets.
Know your Enemy: Tracking Botnets paints a scary picture. With one botnet reaching more than 50,000 compromised machines, the potential damage both to ...