GeoNames is a project to gather geographical information under the creative commons attribution license, which means it's ideal for commercial use and hobbyists alike.
The version I have contains a whopping 6.7 million. names of populated places, locations and all kinds of other things that have a name and ...
One slight hickup it's worth being aware of when storing timestamps in Sequel is that if you use the Sqlite adapter, the timestamp is stored as an ISO 8601 string with timezone, like this:
The "Z" at the end signifies UTC.
This isn't a problem if you're ...
The more I use Sequel, the more I am coming to believe the level of abstraction it picks is just right. You use operations that mirror SQL, but in a mostly Ruby-ish way. Most importantly SQL is so completely wrapped that I've yet to see any need to write "raw" ...
I ran into a very annoying problem with Sqlite yesterday, triggered by Sequel. But first some praise for how simple Sequel makes things most of the time:
One of the nice things about Sequel is that it allows me to write complex queries in pure ruby, without ever (so ...