If you use Fedora Core, then Fedora Core Linux Blog is a great blog to follow.
Via FuturePundit: Methuselah Mouse Prize Fund Reaches $1 Million: The fund is dedicated to rewarding research into ago, specifically via two prices related to life extension in mice. Longer term the goal is to translate the research into therapies for humans ...
Thrashing Through Cyberspace: AOL Eavesdrops, Grants Itself Permission To Steal Your AIM Conversations is a pretty shocking entry covering changes in AOL's Terms Of Service for AIM.
AOL essentially claims all rights to whatever you send through ...
next stop: semantic metaverse � Mapping flickr Photos discusses Mappr - an application that overlays flickr photos on a map.
I love the concept - while surfing the net it's always struck me that things like travel descriptions, isolated pictures etc. ...
Post it to GroupHug.us, or alternatively just read other peoples confessions and laugh your ass off (or get grossed out)
This site is quite remarkable.
On the surface it's a short treatise or manifesto that boils down to the fact that the internet isn't some magic solution to all the worlds problems, but just a tool, and that people need to realise this and take it ...
Random Access Memory is a strangely compelling site.
It allows you to browse and add (if you register, which is free) fragments of memories. Memories can be browsed and searched by year or by subject.
If you feel time is going to fast; that things are to transient; that society is focused too much on the here and the now, then The Long Now Foundation is for you.
There are lots of free books online, but while there are many large collections of out of copyright works and mainly fiction, such as Project Gutenberg, copyrighted works tend to end up fragmented into small collections.
So it's great to see collections such as the techbooksforfree.com's