
Articles tagged 'rails'

Sliding Stats: Rack Middleware to keep an eye on your traffic

Sliding Stats is a small little piece of code I'm working on to plug into any Rack enabled Ruby web app (and practically any Ruby web-framework can work with Rack these days) to give me glimpse of what's going on without having to tail referrer logs etc.
It doesn't do ...

Why coupling is always bad / Cohesion vs. coupling

In the discussion following my entry "Why Rails is total overkill and why I love Rack" several comments raised the issue of whether high coupling is always bad. My answer was that I believe it is, but at the same time it can be worth it sometimes.

It seems like ...

Why Rails is total overkill and why I love Rack

Rails is total overkill. It tries to do "everything" in a massive framework where major components are tightly intervowen. Smaller frameworks like Merb and Camping have already shown you don't NEED this. I argue you don't need a framework at all - you need highly cohesive, loosely coupled components. That is ...