I started and ended my first blog back in 2005. What caused the demise of my blog
later that year was the workload I ended up with as we started preparing to launch
Edgeio during evenings and weekends while I was still at Yahoo.
It's time to give it a go again, though I'm still extremely busy... Nothing like
some pressure.
As last time I expect I'll end up writing a mix of everything on my mind ranging
from random sites I like (though the Stumbleupon feed on the right hand side will
take most of that) to politics, technology and of course extreme geekery (I have a
lot of notes on a hobby project to bootstrap a compiler - expect lengthy posts with
copious amount of Ruby and x86 assembler at some point...)
I also expect to make the occasional post about the company I work at, a great
London web development agency called
Aardvark Media, as well as any
startups I meddle with - currently SpatialQ,
where I'm on the board, and Skoach
(where I'm only providing occasional advice)