require 'pp' Oper =,:sym,:type) class TreeOutput def initialize @vstack = [] end def oper o rightv = @vstack.pop raise "Missing value in expression" if !rightv if (o.sym == :comma || o.sym == :call) && rightv.is_a?(Array) && rightv[0] == :comma # This is a way to flatten the tree by removing all the :comma operators @vstack << [o.sym,@vstack.pop] + rightv[1..-1] else if o.type == :infix leftv = @vstack.pop raise "Missing value in expression" if !leftv @vstack << [o.sym, leftv, rightv] else @vstack << [o.sym,rightv] end end end def value v; @vstack << v; end def result raise "Incomplete expression - #{@vstack.inspect}" if @vstack.length != 1 return @vstack[0] end end class RPNOutput def initialize; @rpn = []; end def oper o; @rpn << o.sym; end def value v; @rpn << v; end def result; @rpn; end end class ShuntingYard def initialize opers,output @ostack,@opers,@out = [],opers,output end def reduce op = nil pri = op ? op.pri : 0 # We check for :postfix to handle cases where a postfix operator has been given a lower precedence than an # infix operator, yet it needs to bind tighter to tokens preceeding it than a following infix operator regardless, # because the alternative gives a malfored expression. while !@ostack.empty? && (@ostack[-1].pri > pri || @ostack[-1].type == :postfix) o = @ostack.pop return if o.type == :lp @out.oper(o) end end def shunt src possible_func = false # was the last token a possible function name? opstate = :prefix # IF we get a single arity operator right now, it is a prefix operator # "opstate" is used to handle things like pre-increment and post-increment that # share the same token. src.each do |token| if op = @opers[token] op = op[opstate] if op.is_a?(Hash) if op.type == :rp then reduce else opstate = :prefix reduce op # For handling the postfix operators @ostack << (op.type == :lp && possible_func ?, :call, :infix) : op) o = @ostack[-1] end else @out.value(token) opstate = :infix_or_postfix # After a non-operator value, any single arity operator would be either postfix, # so when seeing the next operator we will assume it is either infix or postfix. end possible_func = !op && !token.is_a?(Numeric) end reduce return @out if @ostack.empty? raise "Syntax error. #{@ostack.inspect}" end end def shunt a opers = { "+" =>, :plus, :infix), "++" => {:infix_or_postfix =>, :postincr, :postfix), :prefix =>,:preincr, :prefix)}, "-" =>, :minus, :infix), "*" =>, :mul, :infix), "/" =>, :div, :infix), "!" =>, :not, :prefix), "," =>, :comma, :infix), "(" =>, nil, :lp), ")" =>, nil, :rp) }, end class SimpleLexer def initialize s; @s = s; end def each @s.scan(/[ \r\n]*([0-9]+|[A-Za-z]+|\+\+|[\(\)+\-*\/\!,])[ \r\n]*/).each do |token| token = token[0] yield((?0 .. ?9).member?(token[0]) ? token.to_i : token) end end end PP.pp shunt("1 + !5") PP.pp shunt("1 + 5") PP.pp shunt("1 + 2 * 3") PP.pp shunt("1 * 2 + 3 / 5") PP.pp shunt("(1 + 2) * 3") PP.pp shunt("3 * (1 + 2)") PP.pp shunt("3 * (1 + (2 * 4))") PP.pp shunt("f(1)") PP.pp shunt("f(1,2)") PP.pp shunt("f(1,2,3)") PP.pp shunt("1 * f ++ + 5") PP.pp shunt("++f") PP.pp shunt("1 + ++f") PP.pp shunt("1 + f ++ - f") PP.pp shunt("1 + ! 5 * 2") begin PP.pp shunt("f + + 5") # Makes no sense. Should give an error. rescue puts "Failed, as it should" end